邮 箱:mingleezheng@163.com
2011-2015 信阳师范学院 学士
2015-2018 河南大学 硕士
2018-2021 中国科学院大学 博士
2021-至今 河南大学 讲师
发表论文:第一或通讯作者论文5篇,包括Advanced Materials、ACS NANO、NANO ENERGY、Advanced Materials Interfaces
1. Zheng M#, Lin S#, Xu L, Zhu L, Wang Z L*. Scanning Probing of the Tribovoltaic Effect at the Sliding Interface of Two Semiconductors. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 21.
2. Zheng M, Yang F, Guo J, Zhao L, Jiang X, Gu G, Zhang B, Cui P, Cheng G*, Du Z*. Cd(OH)2@ZnO nanowires thin-film transistor and UV photodetector with a floating ionic gate tuned by a triboelectric nanogenerator. Nano energy, 2020, 73, 104808.
3. Lin S#, Zheng M#, Luo J, Wang Z L*. Effects of Surface Functional Groups on Electron Transfer at Liquid-Solid Interfacial Contact Electrification. ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 8, 10733–10741.
4. Zheng M#, Lin S#, Tang Z, Feng Y, Wang Z L*. Photovoltaic effect and tribovoltaic effect at liquid-semiconductor interface. Nano Energy, 2021, 83, 105810.
5. Zheng M#, Lin S #, Zhu L, Tang Z, Wang Z L * Effects of Temperature on the Tribovoltaic Effect at Liquid-Solid Interfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 2101757.